SparkCheat ESP + AIMBOT Latest Cheat System In The Market For Pubg Mobile Hack.
– SparkCheat have Both Touch Simulation Aimbot and Memory Aimbot.
– This Is A Day Key It Work For 24Hrs. Best For Testing & Fun.
– And SparkCheat recommend all rooted users to configure and use Touch Aimbot only.
– If Touch Aimbot not working or You are non rooted user then can use Memory Aimbot but that would be more unsafe.
– Our SparkCheat have two separate icons for both aimbot so that you can identify which aimbot is active.
– Memory Aimbot is still unsafe so use it wisely.
– Start and Stop Touch Aimbot in lobby.
– Disable Aimbot if you do not want to use.
– SparkCheat recommend to use Touch Aimbot Only, Touch Aimbot works only for Rooted Devices.
– If Touch Aimbot not working or You are Non Rooted User then only Switch to Memory Aimbot
– Memory Aimbot will be much risky so use it wisely.
– Download Fresh Loader from Site Regularly this will help to avoid 3rd party ban.
– Do not lock on or shoot enemies behind walls for long.
– Do no kill too many enemies in short time, Higher KD can lead to Ban.
– Do no follow and kill every single bot.
– Avoid Very Risky and Doubtful Kill Actions
– Avoid Continuous Headshots.
– Very Brutal Behaviour will most likely to lead towards ban so try to play like legit.
There are 3 Main Sections:
1) Common Settings
2) Touch Simulation Aimbot Specific Settings
3) Memory Aimbot Specific Settings
1] Common Settings:
Common Settings will work for Both Memory Aimbot and Touch Simulation Aimbot, and provides good configuration options.
âž Ignore Bot Player: By this option, Aimbot will ignore bots.
âž Ignore Knocked Player: By this option, Aimbot will ignore Knocked down enemies.
âž Show FOV Circle: You can show or hide Aimbot FOV circle when you needed.
âž Aimbot FOV: Aimbot FOV is boundary and Aimbot will aim to enemy within this boundry.
This will represent as blue circle in center.
Bigger FOV will cover more area and enemies and would be unsafe at same.
We wil recommended to keep lower enough to be more safe.
âž Aim Lock: Aimbot will locked on target player till we release it.
âž Aimbot Priority:
✹ Crosshair: Aimbot will aim to enemy nearest to Crosshair at center and in Aimbot FOV.
✹ Distance: Aimbot will aim to enemy nearest from your location and in Aimbot FOV.
We recommended to use Crosshair to be more safe. As it will look less suspicious to Server.
âž Aimbot Mode:
✹ Firing: Aimbot will work while you fire the gun, with and without scope.
✹ Scoping: Aimbot will work while you aim down or scope with gun.
✹ Firing or Scoping: Aimbot will work in any of above situation.
✹ Firing and Scoping: Aimbot will work in above both situation.
âž Aimbot Target: Aimbot will aim to this Part of enemy, We prefer Chest more as it would be safer then countinous headshots.
âž Aim Prediction: This will help to aim at moving player. It will aim at predicted position as per speed and direction of enemy.
âž Bullet Speed: This will be used to accurately predict bullet hit.
Too Low value will make aim in front of enemy.
Too High value will make aim behind enemy, adjust it as per different guns. This will be use in Aim prediction.
âž Recoil Compensation: To counter or compensate recoil of gun, Aimbot will aim downwards while firing.
It will be helpful in scoping and firing Far enemy.
Too low value will have little to no effect and too high value will aim towards foots.
Adjust value according to gun or your skills. It offers you two options,
✹ Without Scope/ADS: This value will be use when you are firing without ADS/Scoping.
✹ With Scope/ADS: This value will be use when You are firing while ADS/Scoping.
2] Touch Aimbot Specific Settings:
Introducing to you Touch Simulation Aimbot, unlike Memory Aimbot this will not write to the memory so It will be much safer.
It will induce fake touch on screen to move aim towards enemy. This will make it smooth and safest aimbot.
âž Adjust Touch Area: Enable it and Put icon in area from where aim is changing and disable.
Place it in appropiate area where it doesn’t interfere with Game HUD Buttons.
Aimbot will not work correctly if you set it wrong.
âž Input Inversion: Some devices have touch screen installed upside down.
Try enabling this option if touch aimbot is not working properly.
âž Swipe Speed: Adjust Speed of Swiping to make it fast or slow to aim, Too high value can causes shaking issue.
âž Swipe Smoothness: Adjust Steps Swiping will take, this will make Swipe action smoother.
Too high value can increase aim time and miss the target.
Note: Touch Simulation Aimbot Only work on Rooted Device, also It might not work on some devices due to Incompatibility.
3] Memory Aimbot Specific Settings:
We have reworked on Memory Aimbot to make it more safer and accurate. But it still could lead to ban, So we insist you to use Touch Aimbot if possible.
âž Smooth Aim: It’s only for memory aimbot and will make it much safer then earlier.
This will help to smooth the aim towards enemy, you can adjust Smoothness of Aim as per convience. Too high smoothing will decrease the speed and accuracy of aimbot.
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